Tuesday, September 22, 2009

projects in the running

In the last year we have had a lot of great creativity and projects. the students are very into their work. they love to put make sure that everything is perfect and looking GOOD! Some are so dedicated to this program that i have them bagging me to stay after, just to let them work on their woodworking.

Both the high school and middle school woods I, both did a keep sack box. the high schools' is small with a hinged on lid. made out of walnut and maple. Then, the 7th grades boxes were just plain pine.to the side Michael miller Jr, Julia N., both of 7th graders are finished with their boxes. they are both stained very nice colors: light oak and walnut. each student had their own color, but they made it theirs even though the other 20 some kids had the same designed box.

the high school on the other hand had much smaller boxes. which had, hinges, a cut off lid, in stead of a panel lid. each students box is 6" by 8". which was small but it all worked out in the end. they all had time to built another project before the school year was over. this was the high schools starting project for tool, and shop safety.
to the left is Stephannie Millers box, which was was stained with mineral oil and didn't have the corner keys, unlike Benny Angasan his had the side corner keys and also used mineral oil. there were over 6 of these made, but only one with the corner keys.

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