Thursday, March 1, 2012

Welding Shop Remodel

The welding shop is scheduled for some capital improvements in the next 2 year, but some of the things just can't wait.  This semesters welding class decided to take on a few of the upgrades that we had been talking about.  We still really want to paint the floor, but that will come with time (maybe a summer project)

The flash curtains were originally installed with zip-ties that would often break.

We fixed that with rivets and washers!

The tool cabinets really need some attention (reorganization). 

So we took some of the tools that are used most often and moved them to a central location.


 The material rack needed more rungs for metal, but we are also planning to build our stock cutting bench right on the rack.
Last but not least we built a new working bench near the welding bays.

It's far from being done, but it is much better than it was and the students are really excited about what they did for the shop. 


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